I have been functioning for 52 years…

I have been functioning for 52 years…

Dear Dani, at this time, my “bowl” is totally rotating! The seminar showed me, that I presently haven’t any clear vision, as to what I really want. I have been functioning for 52 years, just the way other expected me to do. Thanks to you, you have shaken me up, and I...
The 2 ½ Days deeply impressed me

The 2 ½ Days deeply impressed me

Dear Daniela, first of all thank you very much for the very private and fantastic seminar in Austria. (Modified, because of the length). The 2 ½ days impressed me greatly. I was also impressed how you come across as a person. The way you put a lot of thought in your...
An extraordinary intensive seminar

An extraordinary intensive seminar

Dear Daniela, this was an extraordinary intensive seminary for me. I never expected to be occupied with myself for 3 days. A sensational experience to realize that much in my life has passed me by. (Modified, because of the length.) Daniela, many thanks for showing...
The Seminary clarified many things for me.

The Seminary clarified many things for me.

The Seminary clarified many things for me; what I believed to be my values, and what really my true values are. What are the things I stand for in order to live a fulfilled life, and what is important to me. What is my function in society and what gives me happiness...
Values & Success => what’s behind it?

Values & Success => what’s behind it?

Dear Dany, Values & Success => what’s behind it? I was filled with a burning curiosity. I was familiar with the way you presented seminaries from attending a company seminar. It was absolutely clear to me, if I should ever want to get involved with this topic,...